If you are facing criminal charges, you cannot afford to hope that your attorney will be aggressive enough to protect your future. You need to contact a lawyer you know will fight for you at every step of the process. At the law office of O'Reilly Rancilio, our Macomb County criminal defense attorneys have a reputation for fighting hard to make sure our clients' futures are not ruined by a criminal conviction. There is no such thing as a "minor" criminal charge. When you have been accused of a crime, the stakes are high. Criminal punishments can include heavy fines, probation, and even imprisonment.
Our attorneys are recognized throughout the southeast Michigan criminal law judicial system for their aggressive defense of our clients' rights. We defend clients against a range of charges and assist with other issues, including:
It is important to understand that no criminal defense lawyer can promise you an acquittal or a favorable plea bargain. Making such guarantees is unethical. The nature of the legal system is such that prosecuting attorneys often have enormous advantages over defendants. Many of those accused of crimes lack the resources to hire competent legal representation. And because prosecutors possess significant leverage over defendants, many defendants end up negotiating away their rights, and signing onto plea bargains that will haunt them for years in their personal and professional lives.
We will not be intimidated by the prosecution. We will investigate your case and find the flaws in the prosecutor's case. We understand how the court system works and how to prepare you for it. The reality, however, is that most cases are handled outside the courtroom and in the negotiating room. Plea negotiations are where the skill of your Michigan attorney will truly come into play. O'Reilly Rancilio's criminal defense lawyers will be your champion in these negotiations and make sure your rights are defended and your interests are represented.
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