Restrictions Imposed at M…

Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed Executive Orders 2020-183, which amends the MI Safe Start order to reopen movie theaters and performance venues. Beginning October 9, a number of previously closed businesses are slated to reopen statewide, including:

  • indoor theaters,
  • cinemas,
  • performance venues,
  • arcades,
  • bingo halls,
  • bowling centers,
  • indoor climbing facilities,
  • trampoline parks, and more.

“Michigan took some of the most aggressive action against COVID-19 in the country, and as a result, the health of our families and our economy are faring better than our neighbors in other states. As a result, we are now able to reopen movie theaters and performance venues with strict safety measures in place. I know these business owners have made incredible sacrifices during this crisis to protect our families and frontline workers, and my administration will continue working to help them get back on their feet,” said Governor Whitmer in a press release.

Safety protocols

Under Executive Order 2020-183, non-residential indoor gatherings and events now must limit attendance to 20 people per 1,000 square feet or 20 percent of fixed seating capacity, with a maximum of 500 people in Michigan’s largest venues.

All non-residential indoor venues must also require a face covering, subject to a few very limited exceptions.

Executive Order 2020-183 also sets new restrictions for non-residential outdoor gatherings and events now must limit attendance to 30 people per 1,000 square feet or 30 percent of fixed seating capacity, with a maximum of 1,000 people.

All of these new restrictions apply to every venue where organized events occur, including those that may reopen on Oct. 9.

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Categories: Business, Covid 19