What Michigan Manufacture…
Yesterday, Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-77, which extends the Michigan Stay Home, Stay Safe order through May 28. However, the Governor’s order allows manufacturing workers to resume work on Monday, May 11.
Under Executive Order 2020-77, manufacturing facilities must adopt strict measures to protect their workers and others from the spread of COVID-19. Those measures include:
  • Conducting a daily entry screening protocol for workers and everyone else entering the facility, including a questionnaire covering symptoms and exposure to people with possible COVID-19.
  • A temperature screening as soon as no-touch thermometers can be obtained.
  • Dedicated entry points at every facility.
  • Suspend entry of all non-essential in-person visits, including tours.
  • Implement rotational shift changes when possible.
  • Stagger start times and meal times.
Manufacturing facilities must also train workers on, among other things, how COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person, signs and symptoms of COVID-19, steps workers must take to notify the business or operation of signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or suspected or confirmed diagnosis, and the use of personal protective equipment. In total, Executive Order 2020-77 sets forth a minimum of 24 specific requirements that manufacturing businesses must follow. One of those requirements, applicable to all business operations in the state—including manufacturers—is that masks must be worn when workers cannot consistently maintain six feet of separation from others, and the business or operation must consider requiring face shields for those who cannot consistently maintain three feet of separation from other workers.
The attorneys at O’Reilly Rancilio are ready to answer your questions regarding reopening protocols and all legal issues related to COVID-19. Call 586-726-1000 to speak to one of our attorneys or visit our website.
Categories: Covid 19